Bender is a cartoon robot from the show Futurama. He was one of the best characters on the show. Many people have gotten awesome tattoos of him. I have seen men and women with a Bender tattoo.
Snake tattoos have been popular for years. If done correctly, they can look very realistic. I am not a fan of snakes in general, but they do look amazing. I have seen them in black and grey, and color. Men and women both get them too. Depending how big you go, they can be expensive to get. Just be sure to find a good tattoo artist to do the job right!
Some people love watermelon, so much that they get a tattoo of the wonderful fruit. For whatever reason they have to get a watermelon, I have actually seen some pretty cool looking watermelon tattoos. They look best in full color. Realistic or cartoon like, just make sure you get something you want to live with for the rest of your life.
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